Hello my people,
I'm writing this blog because I'm starting a new venture with my friend, Yvette, titled Creative Communion. This is a writing and creative space that we are developing to share our experiences as mothers of Black boys, Black women writers from the South, women above the age of 40 and more.
It's exciting because this is the first time I'm going all in with my writing. And with that comes the decision to offer our (and my) content at a cost.
But there is a free option.
Neither one of us want our work to be inaccessible but honestly, we are both talented writers and we deserve to be paid. So you can expect premium work (This is my one and only J-O-B) when you subscribe for either a paid or free subscription. For me, premium or paid content will include new fiction, poems and more.
I'll continue to keep you all informed, but for now, it'll be mainly from our Creative Communion Substack page.
Please check out my first post, Rap Beef and Motherhood. (which is free for all) And reach out with your feedback and thoughts!
With Much Love and Appreciation!